
Imposter syndrome and Ancient Greek

Imposter syndrome and Ancient Greek

I’m not good enough. How many of us let low feelings of self worth hold us back? I’ve definitely suffered from imposter syndrome, worrying I’ll be called out at any moment for not being a yoga teacher / artist / trained chef etc.

But WE are what makes our own businesses so powerful. It’s our personality, and our own unique blend of skills, passions and experiences that create something that no one else could. Mine is that I’m a good communicator, I live and breathe the wellness philosophy, I LOVE to organise and to look after people... 

People buy from people, and if you believe deeply in what you offer and let that enthusiasm shine through, your audience will be sold. We talk about the glass ceilings women encounter at some companies, but the truth is that we often impose them on ourselves.

My teen daughter has just aced a big Ancient Greek speaking competition – having never learnt it in her life, and only really to support a friend. She believes she is capable of anything, and I want some of that! Maybe we all had it once, but our insecurities grew, and our confidence took a knock. We can learn more her generation than we think. 

If you’re like me, maybe try writing down your strengths, accomplishments, and the progress you've made. And also acknowledge what’s holding you back. Identifying self-limiting beliefs and showing kindness and compassion to yourself really will let you embrace your limitless potential and be the badass business owner you deserve to be!