
Breakfast for teens

Breakfast for teens

Enouraging tired teens to eat breakfast can be a challenge. But it fuels their brains, enhances concentration at school, and helps to meet the nutritional needs of their rapidly-growing bodies. If you can drag them out of bed in time, here are some breakfast ideas to try, with a focus on food rich in protein and iron (which is often deficient in teen girls).

🌟 Spinach pancakes with cream cheese and smoked salmon

🌟 Sweet potato, kale and sausage hash with a fried egg

🌟 Home-made granola with seeds, nuts and greek yogurt 

🌟 Cheese and broccoli muffins 

If they haven't made time to eat at home, the muffins are portable, and the granola could be turned into a breakfast bar. 

Serve with a side of citrus fruit - the Vitamin C will really help them absorb the iron.